Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Wow I need to be better at this whole blogging thing. I think I might just make this into a pointless journal of random things because nothing exciting:

animating, appealing, arousing,astonishing, bracing, breathtaking, commoving, dangerous, dramatic, electrifying, exuberant, eye-popping, far-out, fine,
, groovy*, heady, hectic, impelling, impressive, interesting, intoxicating, intriguing, living, melodramatic, mind-blowing, moving, neat, overpowering, overwhelming, provocative, racy, rip-roaring,sensational, showy, spine-tingling, stimulating, stirring, thilling, titillating, wild, zestful has happened :)

Well since nothing exciting or shall I say hair-raising has happened I will just write about random things that are going on. (dang how I love thesaurus.com)

The parents have gone to Utah again!! I miss them a lot:( Even though I miss them it seems like being alone with Ardie makes us closer and I learn little things about Ardie- some worrisome and others plain out hilarious. After we have talked really late at night or when he vents to me and me to him. I step back and ask this question to myself "are we booonnnding?"(name that movie).

-Other day at Wal- Mart Ardie asked "do they have a blue- box here so we can get a movie." "Ardie do you mean red -box" haha

-This weekend I was looking through the movies and ardie wanted to watch Pride and Prejudice. Yes our manly 18 year old brother, peach fuzz and all, wanted to watch Pride and Prejudice. Through the first half hour of the movie he kept asking me questions like "Is that Mr. Darcy?" "Are they sisters?" "Who does he like?" "Does she like him or the other guy?."
It was pretty cute. although it was cute I must ask myself, Is that normal?... I knew having five sister would catch up to him one day :)

-Ardie has been doing the dishes with the parents gone and doing his laundry, bedding, everything. He asked me yesterday if I had "whites." Wow kid... your future wife is going to love you and my husband will hate me.

-I also love how in the morning he asks me if I have eaten anything to make sure I eat.

I have come to the conclusion that Ardie is pretty amazing. Even though I miss the parents, I love getting to know my big brother a little more. Sometimes it makes me sad to think that we will both be graduated in a year and he will go on his mission and me to college, as for right now I will enjoy watching Pride and Prejudice with my big brother.

I think people that have a brother or sister don't realize how lucky they are. Sure, they fight a lot, but to know that there's always somebody there, somebody that's family.
Wow this post did not turn out like I thought it would ohh well.. hey I told you that there wasn't anything electrifying going on.