Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Last Night (morning I should say) I had the most awful nightmare!! I woke up shaking, sweating and crying! I was kind of surprised since I really haven't remembered my dreams in a long time and this dream felt soo real!
I looked over at Mindy sleeping soundly and I needed her to wake up and console me so I broke her peaceful sleep!

5:00 am conversation:

Me: "Mindy!, Mindy!"
Mindy: "What?"
Me: "I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?"
Mindy: "Umm..yeah...sure" throws off her body pillow to make room for me
Me: Trying different positions to get comfortable on her bed
Me:"Uhhh...nevermind, we're too fat for this...I'm not as scared as I thought!"

I actually think there was plenty of room, but being four feet up on cinder blocks just isn't as comforting!