Friday, December 9, 2011

What to look forward to/night conversations

Things to look forward to!!!
-school being over
-going home
-warm weather
-talking to ardie


drum roll please....

the NBA coming to town!!!

I am at work for mindy tonight and I will probably go home once I finish this...well whatever this random groupings of words is!

It has been a way good semester and I have loved living with mindy!

Mindy and I always seem to have the weirdest conversations at night when we are both really tired. For instance...
Set the stage...the lights are off, it is cold and we are tucked in bed.

Me-"Mindy, did I turn off the oven?"
Mindy-"I am sure we would have noticed if it wasn't off"
Me-"Min our lifes aren't the only ones riding on the oven being off. We should go check it"
Mindy-"okay, go check it"
Me- "yeah but its cold"
-our roommate was in the living room so we came up with a plan
Mindy-" okay fine, Why don't you call Melissa's phone(who is in the living room) and have her check it"
Me-"wow nice plan min"

I did not follow mindy's brilliant plan!!!