Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't Worry Be Happy

"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."

I feel like time has been on my mind a lot lately today.  First in my mission prep. class we were talking about faith and how you need to have faith that things will work out.  He kept talking about how often we worry soo much about are current situation and we don't have faith that things will work out.  When we worry soo much we can't enjoy the stage of life that we are in right now. 

Then a man at my work was talking about how stages of life fly and soon you are old and it is just you and your wife at home listening to the clock tick...

Ardie's letter home talked about how he remembers kindergarten and waiting the night before to finish coloring his coloring packets and now he only has a year left of his mission. :)  (I honestly don't know how the kid can remember that,  I can't even remember last week!) 

With each of these experiences today, each conversation resulted in the importance of enjoying the stage of life that you are in right now because before you know it, it will be over. 

How is it truly possible to enjoy the stage of life that you are in right now? 

I feel like I can look back and be like, "oh man that was a good summer (stage),"  but I don't think that when I was living it, I was really thinking "now this is a good stage of life!"

I think the main problem is worry rather than preparation.  I look at the things that I am currently doing and I tend to view them as worries rather than preparations for something better.

Test coming up-totally worried.
       perspective change:
Test coming up-totally prepared

Everything I am doing now shouldn't be a worry but should actually just be a preparation-if that makes sense.

Maybe with this attitude I can see the bigger picture because well in all reality "today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday" -and well today is done!! :)  

I think my friend Bobby says it the best...
