Thursday, September 3, 2009


So I figure that I should update: hence the title "Ashton update" nothing of importance has really happened. Here is a "list:"

-School started (LAME)

I am trying to think of anything else that has happened... Okay I've got nothing.
Well since this post is already lame. I'll just make it more lame with a stupid pick up line.

" Do you like Water?"
"Then you like 75% of my body"


later, Kirsten


  1. Kirs...for real? please delete this. where did you come from? What a weirdo...your music is completely DEL SOL...we need to get you out! Nice pick up line...not. We should battle off on pick up lines...cause yours is LAME! Anyways, Why are you not studying right now? Call me. Oh ya, I love you. Seriously though if you do this - this is for family not for ghettoness (word?)

  2. you really should just bake him some cookies and introduce yourself. (wink, wink)

  3. Oh and what did you say, "nothing of importance" has happened? Whoa, what about my life being hundreds of miles away from yours now (tear tear). I sure hope you're still crying. That is #1 on my MOST important list. Nothing important happening?- whats your idea of important?

  4. if you can't tell by now I am a just little irratated with you right now and I just got out of my BOTANY is a friday where to be...and I want to come home.

  5. Maybe I should go borrow anna's camera and send out an update on the one and only KIKI!!!
