Tuesday, June 22, 2010

16 (just a number)

-Yesterday was my birthday I don't know why but for some reason I wasn't that exited. Just kind of seemed like another normal day. I guess that is a sign of growing up :) (traveled to Murray too)

-CAMP, camp was super fun this year I loved it so much. Being a YCL made me feel a little old and it got me thinking about Mindy and when she was one. It is pretty sad to think that this was probably my last year.

- Mom has been so stinkin funny these last couple of days. I love when mom just gets into the really funny sarcastic mood. I didn't really realize just how much I missed her until I came home. On Saturday we went to one of Ardie's little tournament games at Durango. Mom was saying a bunch of random comments. For instance, a kid on the other team got a technical and mom said "wow must of said something about his momma." "Man I don't know why they pat each others butts I would hate it if my butt was always patted, how would you feel?"

Knee slapper moments :)

-There was this card board cut out of a lady in the store. Ardie comes to me and says "wow it took me like a whole second to realize that she was made out of card board"
Ardie you need to stop checking out card board cut outs haha.

In the car after church we watch mom walk to a car that looks just like ours and she starts looking in the windows. Ardie and I the whole two minutes are just laughing our heads off until mom realizes that that was the wrong car. Once again mom is such a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. I love your MOM!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kirsten. 16... man what does that make me?!? Oh, yeah, old :) Hope your day still has been good! love ya
