Tuesday, August 30, 2011


-School already feels pretty overwhelming...but I am sure once I get into a routine it will be good!

-I became a backup for Mindy at work so I can work when she can't. I must say, it will be nice, but I have a feeling Mindy is going to take full advantage of this, hence me being at work for her now :)

-Mindy is doing good but is a little stressed with chemistry and the numbers in her phone of numerous boys. I have witnessed probably about five boys getting her number in two days...maybe that is normal for BYU or maybe not, either way I have a feeling I am going to be working for her a lot more!

Funny Moments:

Sitting in my Stats class and there is a Mindy and Kirsten sitting in front of me and a Mindy behind me...it felt pretty weird! Plus their are around 900 kids in that class so the fact that I sat there made it even weirder for me!

Two girls on campus talking:

Girl 1: He was talking to her!
Girl 2: But she is married!
Girl 1: Yeah and Sealed


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