Friday, June 1, 2012

My Friday Night...

Here is my to do list for tonight...

-15 minute nap
-5 minute self pity party. :). actually :(

 I have a test tomorrow which I am not too excited for at all.

I was in the econ lab earlier and there was this like eleven year old in there...I am talking pre- puberty.  I started to freak out.  I kept looking at him and whispering to myself "that is soo wrong," "that should not be allowed."   Later, I actually found out that it was just some kids younger brother. After that information, I regained my self esteem and took back all the rude comments I said. :) 

Oh and I found the perfect study room in the library, it took me awhile...but the winner is 2724!  Maybe it is not the absolute best but all of the ones with windows were taken.  I  have a set of whiteboard markers my "stress playlist" and a whole lot of problems (econ) :)!!  Is it weird that I am pretty excited to start writing all of the problems on the whiteboard...because I am :)

Econ, you and me are going to get to know each other reeaaally well on our date tonight!!

Bring It :)

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