Friday, October 19, 2012


Right now I am at work and I have soooo much to do! I am taking a test in the morning and have about three essays to write by Monday.  I feel a little like this...

 (face =streessed out!!)

Soo I decided to watch...

My boy Mitt!

I might have watched his speech twice and might have peed my pants from laughing too hard...twice :)

I really like watching all of the debates and am already really excited for Monday's debate.  Actually it is more frustrating but I feel like I need to be involved :) especially since my vote matters.  Go Nevada being a swing state! We are planning on going on a trip down to Vegas to help campaign for Romney next Friday-stoked! 

Okay but now I need to say bye to Mitt because these essays need to be written!

(Here is Romney's speech in case you missed it. Obama's was pretty funny too!)

I will try to update more-as in more often than every three months :)

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