Saturday, January 23, 2010


What has happened since the last post:

- Went to San. Fran.
- Went to Murray twice
- Christmas

San Fransisco was really nice!
I loved how it was just a random trip during a regular weekend. Ardie and I went to school the next day, we were both a little hungover because our flight got in at one on monday morning!! We saw everything there was to see! The Oakland temple and Alcatraz were my favorite :)

I love going to Murray and Provo! Charles and Craig are so cute!!

Christmas was nice and relaxing. Dad quarantined himself and stayed in his office because he was sick. I don't know how many times I have had to use germ X!!

1 comment:

  1. True, Craig and Charles are cute...but what about seeing my face? Love you too!
