Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well today we were at Costco. I was wearing a BYU shirt and I kept seeing people eying me, after a few seconds of awkward staring you start to wonder did I start staring at them or did they stare at me first. Ardie must have noticed this because he said, "Wow Kirsten way to give us away with that shirt." When we came home we watched Fireproof. Yes its cheesy acting but I was on this full out emotional roller-coaster throughout the whole movie. Mindy saw me crying and she was like "its okay Kirsten don't cry" Ardie was just laughing at me the entire time. It has a good message, okay? A girl can cry, can't she? Wow, and I have a good 10000000 years before I get married. I need to broaden the types of movies I watch!
I need to be better at blogging because I stink at keeping a journal so I am hoping that between blogging and my "journal" my future posterity will know about me...although I don't know why they would want to know about me crying over FIREPROOF haha :)

Side note: I cut 10 inches off of my hair. I decided to donate it. I figure it was getting so long and I needed to do it before it got too hot. I keep telling myself its okay and it will be back in a couple of months..hopefully.


  1. Haha, I still can't believe you cried. I guess it was wrong of Ard and me to keep laughing at you, but come on Kirs..."Excuse me a moment..." WOW!!

  2. Kirs put up a picture of your hair. Honestly, you can't tell people you cut your hair and not put up a pic!
