Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finals are done!

-Well finals are done and it feels so darn good not to have anything school related to think about for two whole weeks. This is bomb!!

School was really good this summer. I liked my classes and I think college work is a lot better than high school work. It is definitely harder and more time consuming but it is work that is worthwhile. I am saying this now before painful classes kick in :(

It was really bitter sweet saying by to ardie a week ago...I miss that kid!! I think as far as missing him its hard not talking to him and hearing his advice and his sarcastic viewpoint on my problems but honestly I am more worried about him forgetting something or missing something. It is pretty weird seriously taking care of a kid for seventeen years and then all the sudden he is on his own. I try and take care of mindy but she isn't as easy to take care of...she's a stubborn one :)

The past week it has been pretty fun living with mindy, finals week (weird), it seems like after 11pm and we are both really tired, we turn super weird and are conversations are totally wack which makes it fun. I think it is also because the last few days I haven't really seen her because I lock myself up in the library and she locks herself up at work and in her bedroom with her wonderful textbooks so when I see her I get that much more excited after not talking to anyone all day.

Oh funny story...a couple of weeks ago we were coming home and saw an announcement on everyone's door except ours and we started getting pretty ticked that there wasn't one on our door! Phrases were said like, "Those lamo's," "What did we ever to to them?" We walked through all the floors just to make sure that we were the only ones without the announcement so we could feel worthy of a bashing session. When we went inside we noticed that our roomate had put the announcement on the fridge. Mindy and I learned an important lesson that day...check the fridge before making explicit statements :) We weren't really mad we were just being super sarcastic..heck we have some self esteem :)


Oh the song on the right..mindy and I were on a walk and this car was jamming out to this song (pretty funny) and now we keep hearing kids sing it on campus so it is our summer 2011 song :)

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