Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home with...

These two amigos!!!
Mom, Dad and Min went up to Murray so its us three at home. It is nice having sunny at home. It is also nice to live with that smiling thing in the picture (ardie). We have been doing alot of well... nothing. I miss the parents and Min a whole lot. The first night sunny was here, ardie and I told her that she needed to do moms job and wake us up for summer school. So to make sure we woke up- we set 2 cell phones, 2 radio alarm clocks, the little Battery one I have and ardie has like this decked out watch/heart thing he set. We set them all like 2 minutes apart. I had like this ringing in my ears all during school of all the different sounding alarms (I guess we really didn't need six alarms !!!)

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