Friday, December 9, 2011

What to look forward to/night conversations

Things to look forward to!!!
-school being over
-going home
-warm weather
-talking to ardie


drum roll please....

the NBA coming to town!!!

I am at work for mindy tonight and I will probably go home once I finish this...well whatever this random groupings of words is!

It has been a way good semester and I have loved living with mindy!

Mindy and I always seem to have the weirdest conversations at night when we are both really tired. For instance...
Set the stage...the lights are off, it is cold and we are tucked in bed.

Me-"Mindy, did I turn off the oven?"
Mindy-"I am sure we would have noticed if it wasn't off"
Me-"Min our lifes aren't the only ones riding on the oven being off. We should go check it"
Mindy-"okay, go check it"
Me- "yeah but its cold"
-our roommate was in the living room so we came up with a plan
Mindy-" okay fine, Why don't you call Melissa's phone(who is in the living room) and have her check it"
Me-"wow nice plan min"

I did not follow mindy's brilliant plan!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Last Night (morning I should say) I had the most awful nightmare!! I woke up shaking, sweating and crying! I was kind of surprised since I really haven't remembered my dreams in a long time and this dream felt soo real!
I looked over at Mindy sleeping soundly and I needed her to wake up and console me so I broke her peaceful sleep!

5:00 am conversation:

Me: "Mindy!, Mindy!"
Mindy: "What?"
Me: "I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?"
Mindy: "Umm..yeah...sure" throws off her body pillow to make room for me
Me: Trying different positions to get comfortable on her bed
Me:"Uhhh...nevermind, we're too fat for this...I'm not as scared as I thought!"

I actually think there was plenty of room, but being four feet up on cinder blocks just isn't as comforting!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


-School already feels pretty overwhelming...but I am sure once I get into a routine it will be good!

-I became a backup for Mindy at work so I can work when she can't. I must say, it will be nice, but I have a feeling Mindy is going to take full advantage of this, hence me being at work for her now :)

-Mindy is doing good but is a little stressed with chemistry and the numbers in her phone of numerous boys. I have witnessed probably about five boys getting her number in two days...maybe that is normal for BYU or maybe not, either way I have a feeling I am going to be working for her a lot more!

Funny Moments:

Sitting in my Stats class and there is a Mindy and Kirsten sitting in front of me and a Mindy behind felt pretty weird! Plus their are around 900 kids in that class so the fact that I sat there made it even weirder for me!

Two girls on campus talking:

Girl 1: He was talking to her!
Girl 2: But she is married!
Girl 1: Yeah and Sealed


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finals are done!

-Well finals are done and it feels so darn good not to have anything school related to think about for two whole weeks. This is bomb!!

School was really good this summer. I liked my classes and I think college work is a lot better than high school work. It is definitely harder and more time consuming but it is work that is worthwhile. I am saying this now before painful classes kick in :(

It was really bitter sweet saying by to ardie a week ago...I miss that kid!! I think as far as missing him its hard not talking to him and hearing his advice and his sarcastic viewpoint on my problems but honestly I am more worried about him forgetting something or missing something. It is pretty weird seriously taking care of a kid for seventeen years and then all the sudden he is on his own. I try and take care of mindy but she isn't as easy to take care of...she's a stubborn one :)

The past week it has been pretty fun living with mindy, finals week (weird), it seems like after 11pm and we are both really tired, we turn super weird and are conversations are totally wack which makes it fun. I think it is also because the last few days I haven't really seen her because I lock myself up in the library and she locks herself up at work and in her bedroom with her wonderful textbooks so when I see her I get that much more excited after not talking to anyone all day.

Oh funny story...a couple of weeks ago we were coming home and saw an announcement on everyone's door except ours and we started getting pretty ticked that there wasn't one on our door! Phrases were said like, "Those lamo's," "What did we ever to to them?" We walked through all the floors just to make sure that we were the only ones without the announcement so we could feel worthy of a bashing session. When we went inside we noticed that our roomate had put the announcement on the fridge. Mindy and I learned an important lesson that day...check the fridge before making explicit statements :) We weren't really mad we were just being super sarcastic..heck we have some self esteem :)


Oh the song on the right..mindy and I were on a walk and this car was jamming out to this song (pretty funny) and now we keep hearing kids sing it on campus so it is our summer 2011 song :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BYU, Asians, Losing keys, Birthday

Currently I am sitting in the library studying some D&C and Humanities while Mindy is in her Abnormal Psychology class. It has been nice having Mindy show me the ways of BYU and I am starting to get used to the way college works. It is totally different than high school but I think once I get into a set routine I will really like it. I like how we always begin class with a prayer and that in almost every lecture there is a mormon reference or an apostle quote brought into the material. The studying is already starting and I should sneak some more in before I go home to clean the apartment and eat.

Funny moments:

I went to Mindy's Trig class with her the first day. I think Mindy is really soaking in the whole sibling at school with her and hopefully I will be able to meet her expectations of what it is like to have a sibling with you. Anyways we are in Mindy's Trig class and this Asian kid that looks like he is ten years old is dropped off by his dad.
Right when Mindy saw him she said,
"Dang it, he is going to ruin the curve"

After class, there was a BYU student taking a group of Asians around BYU campus showing them around. This group literally looked like they hadn't hit puberty yet. I thought I was pretty young starting at sixteen but now I feel like I am behind.

The first night I got here, Mindy said she was going to show me around campus. We walked around and she pointed to all these buildings that I would forget a minute later. It was pretty outside and Mindy really was fulfilling her post as an older sister quite well until we got to our apartment and Mindy couldn't find her keys. We realized that we had probably left them in the JFSB bathroom which would close at 10pm and it was currently 9:56 pm. Mindy told me to start running back to campus while she continued to look through her purse. To our dismay the JFSB was closed and we had no way of getting into our apartment. Here I am nervous that I am starting school the next day and I don't really know where anything is with the prospect of being homeless for the night. I tell Mindy that we should go back to the JFSB because someone had to have still been there. Once we get back to the JFSB I see a person walking along the glassed in hall. I start running toward the person through a bunch of bushes and I get what was a University Polices attention. He was really nice and took Mindy and I to the bathroom where we found Mindy's keys. I looked at the nice University Police officer and I noticed his Byu hat and it sure did take a couple of doubts out of my head about Byu, plus, it was a great bonding moment for Mindy and I :)

I also had a nice birthday yesterday. When I was in my foods class today we all had to introduce ourselves and say something interesting, everyone was saying generic stuff like I recently got married or their majors, I said, "I was sixteen yesterday but today I was seventeen." It is pretty weird looking around and seeing people with wedding rings or talking about their husband's MCAT scores with each other!