Friday, May 11, 2012


Last Night I was all prepared to go to sleep early to make today a productive day! I was all ready for bed at like 10:30 and was pretty excited about being productive but then around 2:00 am I was woken by cats meowing really loud outside of my really loud.  At first I thought it was a baby  crying so I was all confused but nope... In the end, I basically didn't get any sleep last night.  If those cats come out tonight I will be ticked like really ticked. :) idea why you would care about this but maybe when I am not sleep deprived I will think this is funny? maybe...

So I have been in the the library today trying to study.  TRYING- keyword. So you know how some people have the habit of biting their nails.  Well I don't have that habit :) but  when I am studying/stressed/nervous/antsy/thinking...I play with my necklace and I move my ring from finger to finger.  So I was doing that and this kid comes up to me and noticed I was studying Econ and just started conversation- Who is your teacher? Do you like it? Is it hard?- We talked for a few minutes...and well I was kind of like kid I am trying to study but I didn't want to be rude so I was thinking of ways to get up and leave without it being obvious.  Anyways, he kept talking and then he looked at my hand and I had left my ring on my ring finger.  And then he said "Congrats" I looked down and was just like "Oh Thanks" yep, that got the conversation to end really fast. Do I feel guilty? kinda... but I NEEDED to study.

Well since I am now married I will gladly be excepting checks....just make them out to "Kirsten and her really handsome imaginary husband" :)

Obviously between Animal Planet happening outside my door and my impromptu marriage, focusing on Econ has been a real struggle.  But now Econ you have my full attention!!


1 comment:

  1. lol. Yep, good decision. Do you remember when dad put our cat in the back of his truck?
