Wednesday, May 2, 2012


So, after I went to work this morning and did some homework, I felt an urge to go use these lovely machines

and then I had a really big urge to go play with this pretty little thing

I have not really played in a while so it felt great-real great!!

I was just shooting around and then a group decided that they wanted to play three on three, after that we played "four on the line."  Back at home I always liked this game because when your brother is like six inches taller than you, it is the only game that he doesn't have an advantage!  But I had not really shot a free throw in a long time so I was ready for some embarrassment.

Best game of "four on the line" I have ever, I repeat, ever played!!!  It went on forever.  It came down to me and one other person until there was 81 on the line.  In the end I made 41 and he made 40.  Maybe he let me win...benefit of the doubt right?! :) What can I say, I hit my Rhythm! =81

Okay now that this is out of my system, I should probably go deflate my ego :)

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