Saturday, September 26, 2009


When I think of Fall:
-Flu shots (we got ours)
-Vanilla extract ( Why I think of that? don't know.)
-General Conference!
-Pumpkin cookies (yum!)
- Golden colors
-Day Light Savings Time
-Halloween CANDY

Basically I really like Fall, even though it is still crazy hot outside, there is just well something in the air .

"I love the fall. I love it because of the smells that you speak of; and also because things are dying,
things that you don't have to take care of anymore, and the grass stops growing."
- Mark Van Doren so true!!

Can you smell Fall? I know I can.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


So I figure that I should update: hence the title "Ashton update" nothing of importance has really happened. Here is a "list:"

-School started (LAME)

I am trying to think of anything else that has happened... Okay I've got nothing.
Well since this post is already lame. I'll just make it more lame with a stupid pick up line.

" Do you like Water?"
"Then you like 75% of my body"


later, Kirsten

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Five Years Can Do....

"Hey Min I'm Surfing"

"Rock On"


I was looking through these pictures of Ardie and Mindy and all I can say is Wow five years can change people's PHYSICAL APPEARENCE a lot, other than that Mindy and Ardie are still well... pretty much the same :)
This blog reminds me of a quote I read,
"Happiness can be caught, saught or thought but never bought, and the best way to keep happiness is to share."
Thanks Min and ard for sharing your quirky yet lovable happiness with me!!! -Kirsten

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home with...

These two amigos!!!
Mom, Dad and Min went up to Murray so its us three at home. It is nice having sunny at home. It is also nice to live with that smiling thing in the picture (ardie). We have been doing alot of well... nothing. I miss the parents and Min a whole lot. The first night sunny was here, ardie and I told her that she needed to do moms job and wake us up for summer school. So to make sure we woke up- we set 2 cell phones, 2 radio alarm clocks, the little Battery one I have and ardie has like this decked out watch/heart thing he set. We set them all like 2 minutes apart. I had like this ringing in my ears all during school of all the different sounding alarms (I guess we really didn't need six alarms !!!)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm Never Going to Wal Mart Again!!!!

Mindy, Mom, ardie and I made a trip to Wal Mart Just now, and Ross wow I love Ross. Any way... I know know by the heading of this post your probably thinking wow Kirsten is such a spoiled brat. Well here is the story, Mindy and I were in the gum isle and there was this guy he gave me a smile and I just ignored it. I was already creeped out. Then he says to Mindy "Hi are you from here" Mindy was takin back and she was like "ah ya." I am just standing there in the longest 5 seconds of my life, sweating, heart skipping a beat, thinking of Micheal Jackson and remembering all of the stories I heard in Forensics. Then Mindy and I look at some Mp3 players while we both are still freaked out. By this point mindy is thinking "man I should have been a little more nice to him." While I was just thinking "were is mom we need to get out of here!" Mindy was like "oh no! we told mom we would meet her in the food section." Meaning we had to go back to were he was. We walk back Mindy and me are watching our backs doing the classic CSI moves right before there going to break in with there guns and arrest someone. Ok thats an exageration. I told Mindy we should play the game dodge were one person yells dodge when they see him and whoever spots him and yealls dodge first wins. We end up seeing him again mindy and I quickly pick up the pace. Mom isn't in the food section. We finally find mom and ardie in the craft section . We look around for a long while at random things my heart is still beating and I am still looking around just in case. Finally I am like "mindy, If he is still here ,He must be a creepy weirdo because what guy would be walking around in Wal Mart for over a hour and a half. We get to the check out and we see him coming from the from the other side straight on I look away and so does mindy "were like mom thats him, thats him, ardie stay in front of us." We check out and he is in he check next to us. Still i am freaked out and Mindy is like "don't look at him Kirsten." We leave a little bit before him and his car is like to rows infront of us and he is putting gorceries in it. This whole time Ardie is saying he doesn't look like a petifile. I am like "ya ard because your the Petifile expert", "Stop standing on your tippy toes and pointing." We are in the car driving off were making sure he isn't following us and ardie is like ya my Petifile signal didn't go off and mindy says "we shouldn't have been so mean to him." I was like "are you kidding me."

So back to the heading I am tramatized and Mom is not allowed to go to Wal Mart alone again! If I need something there I will ask mom or one of my super buff brother in laws to get it for me!!! I am never going to Wal Mart again.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday so far...

Mindy is a LAZY bum. Actually, she isn't. I LOVE HER BEING HOME!!! She is the best helper around the house and keeps mom in a great mood. I LOVE her!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Ardie!!

WOW Ardie is 17,
17 reasons why ardie is the best:
1. HE is the best
2. HE is smart
3. He truly cares for us. (sisters)
4. He is good at mowing the lawn and cleaning the pool.
5. He is nice (That may vary depending on mood)
6. He plays tennis with me even though I forget to scratch his back.
7. He is an Eagle Scout.
8. He is Handsome. (I don't mind when people at school think that ardie and I are a couple)
9. He is funny
10.He is a great baller (Basket)
11. He is always able to fix things
12. He can twiddle the Ivorys
13. He is a good person
14. He is a preisthood holder
15. He is curious about how things work. (that can get annoying)
16. He is loving
17. He is our brother

Why did mom and dad only have one boy? I thing it's beacause he is the best son and brother anyone could have!! Happy birthday, love you ardie

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well today has been a bad day for the whole family. I am a sick perro (dog). R.d is sick too. Mom is still not sick thankfully. Each of us wants to not be sick anymore. We also would like it if this little thing called school at DEL SOL would go away. I have a fever that is 102. I have never had a fever before so this whole having the chills thing,wishing you were dead thing, is new to me. I guess it shows how we need to be thankful for those days when we are healthy. I know I take health for granted. Well I better work on homework!

Love you Lindsay, Nate, Sunny, Alex, Anna, Brent and Mindy oh.. and Craig!!!