We just got home from Murray a little bit ago and we already miss the little boys!! When I got home I realized it is Ardie's birthday this week so I wrote him a quick e-mail. Since everyone gets mad that I don't write him, here is my proof that I do in fact write him.... occasionally :). Guess what? I even sent him pictures, I go ALL out!
Hi Elder Ashton,
I know you are probably thinking wow does that girl still exist...well I do! I love getting your e-mails every Monday and I must admit, Mondays used to be the lamest day of the week but now they aren't even that bad because that is when you write :) School is going good and life in general is pretty great just a lot of work! I hope you are getting along with your companion and that he isn't terribly messy like your last one! Did you get to watch General Conference? It is always nice listening to the prophet speak and hearing all of the apostles counsel. Mindy and I were in Murray for the weekend. The little boys are soo cute and are growing like crazy. Craig can't stop talking and James just does everything Craig does. Craig likes to have full on conversations with you and will say things like "How was your day?" or "How are you feeling?" Before we went up for the weekend he called us and talked for about fifteen minutes just about everything, it is pretty cute to have conversations with him. Little "French Fry" is a cutie too. I tried calling him "French Fry" but I quickly resorted back to adam, I think that is a nickname that only you will have for him :) Happy Birthday!! Love you lots!! Stay Safe.
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