Monday, April 9, 2012

Stressed out @ library with easter candy

Currently I am sitting in the library trying to write a paper. I am having a total writers block!!! So what do I do...update this thing. I am pretty sure that I confused a lot of people just now. First I went to the fourth floor and thought it was too crowded, so then I went to the fifth floor and thought it was too crowded, so of course I tried the second floor and first floor and they were too crowded so I resorted back to the fourth floor with jelly bellies, candy corn and chocolate eggs hoping that with their assistance I can write a darn good paper! Is it working you ask? Nope, not at all!!! I knew I should have bought smarties :)

Basically this week won't be too fun!
-Terry Tate is definitely symbolic of finals right now


  1. You're so funny Kirsten. :-) Good luck with finals. We need to do a dinner sometime.

  2. I hate finals.... Good luck! You'll do great. Love you!!!

  3. Scott spent all night last night writing a paper. I hope you're not in that predicament?
