Thursday, April 5, 2012

Shout out!

Right now I am sitting in the HBLL waiting to meet my group for a project and I thought I would update this thing with the 15 minutes I have.
Yesterday, it was this boys birthday!!

(GQ model-agreed?!)

So in High School I was always Ardie's sidekick-both voluntarily and involuntarily. As the little sister sidekick I had plenty of jobs-scratching his back-taking notes for him-agreeing with him-going to all of his basketball games-laughing at his jokes-waking him up in the morning because he was late... the truth is though that none of these were ever jobs for me (okay most of them weren't) I loved going to all of his basketball games cheering him on, having late night conversations when we were both tired and knew we would regret it in the morning, laughing at his jokes because they were seriously funny...Many times I would say to him, "Ardie what are you going to do without me?" and he would just say, "the REAL question is, what are you going to do without ME?" Basically, he never owned up to my help until April 2nd 2012.

My own personal shout out in the letter he wrote home:
Hi Family,
I have the camera cord in my pocket but I don't have my camera. I forgot it in the apartment. I actually took pictures of the apartment and my package. I will remember to bring my camera next week. Where is Kirsten when I need her, she would always remind me of stuff like that. Kirsten would tell me of how much she had to remind in high school but I would always deny it. It was true and I wish Kirsten could be here reminding me and taking notes for me. Perhaps, when I am older and in a sweet job Kirsten can be my secretary or something.

Well Ardie I am glad I can be your secretary when you get a "sweet job" :). Although, I have a feeling that I will be the one getting you a sweet job.

The truth is, I miss being your sidekick and to answer your question, "what are you going to do without me?" I have no idea :( but I am doing it!


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